Saturday 28 July 2007

Rupi – In memoriam, gloriam

We had our Rupi killed today because her future held no future for her, her dog-life was over, there was only pain, deterioration, a joyless struggle to exist in prospect. I would have administered the injection myself if the kindly, obviously sympathetic, vet had not been there to do it for us.
Losing a friend or a member of your family hurts like nothing else, a pet like Rupi becomes both.
This is to honour her memory.

Rupi was
kind, gentle, loving, patient, wise, playful, enthusiastic, giving, appreciative, rarely smelly, powerful, strong, full of heart, as fast as the wind, impressively muscular, lithe, trusting, heart-rendingly vulnerable, sensitive, curious, a little clumsy, empathic, protective, caring, quiet, well-mannered (to her own and other species, especially human), brave on behalf of others, brave in the face of pain, unconfident, eager to learn, tolerant, beautiful beyond the dreams of marketing executives.

Her suffering was short, her life full of meaning, she will be missed so very much.

They say all greyhounds have been touched by angels, I commend this one to them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Becktonboy,

I only just heard of your loss. Regrettably, I can say that I know how you feel.

There is nothing more I can say, so I will not.

